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I Saw 1-3-4-6-7-8

I Saw 2-6-8-9-10
I Saw 1-2-4-7-8-10

I Saw 1-4-5-8-9
I Saw 1-3-4-7-9

I Saw 1-3-4-5-7-9
I Saw 1-2-3-4-5-6

Aaron Colson left

I Took Out 6 from

Hit the 10 and take out  4-5-9-10
and also 4-9-10
and 5-6-9-10

Hit the 6  and take out  8-9

Left 4-6-back row
2nd ball  picked
Saw 5-6-9-10 Picked

Left 1-3-5-6-7-10
Left 4-5-7-8-9

Took Out 5-8-9-10

Took Out 5-6-9-10
Left 3-4-10

Left 3-4-9 "Zach Trevino"
Took Out 6-7-8
    "Robert Smith"

Andy Took 7-10
Out of Big Four

I Left 5-6-7
I Picked 4-5-10

2003-2004 All Stars   Chuck Groat   Bowler of Year
Dale Newton
Andy Kinney
Jason Lower
Shawn Copeland

2004-2005 All Stars   Jeff Conradi   Bowler of Year
Chuck Groat
Max Shellabarger
Larry Sather
Jordan Groenlund

2005-2006 All Stars   Chuck Groat   Bowler of Year
Steve Kloempken
Andy Kinney
Jordan Groenlund
Dale Newton

2006-2007 All Stars    Russ Hunt   Bowler of Year
Nate Gelling
Jamie Flynn
Chuck Groat
Steve Kloempken

2007-2008 All Stars    Chuck Groat   Bowler of Year
Andy Kinney
Steve Kloempken
Jamie Flynn
Dale Newton

2008-2009 All Stars    Chuck Groat   Bowler of Year
Jeff Conradi
Mike Sagers
Jamie Flynn
Jeremy McElliott

2009-2010 All Stars    Chuck Groat   Bowler of Year
Andy Kinney
Mike Sagers
Jay Aono
Jeff Conradi

2010-2011 All Stars    Chuck Groat   Bowler of Year
Clay Rees
Steve Kloempken
Andy Kinney
Mike Sagers

2011-2012 All Stars    Chuck Groat   Bowler of Year
Austin Hunt
Andy Kinney
Clay Rees
Jeremy McElliott

2012-2013 All Stars    Alex Hoskins   Bowler of Year
Bob Harvey
Chuck Groat
Mike Sagers
Alfredo Lopez    

2013-2014 All Stars    Alex Hoskins   Bowler of Year
Chuck Groat
Clay Rees
Alfredo Lopez    
Mike Taylor

2014-2015 All Stars    Alex Hoskins   Bowler of Year
Chuck Groat
Robert Harvey
Michael Sagers
Jason Parris

2015-2016 All Stars    Alex Hoskins   Bowler of Year
Chuck Groat
Mike Sagers
Steve Kloempken
Clay Rees

2016-2017 All Stars    Clay Rees   Bowler of Year
Alfredo Lopez
Alex Hoskins
Josh Link
David Woods

2017-2018 All Stars    Cameron Foster  Bowler of Year
Alex Hoskins
T J Calara
Corey Clayton
Josh Link

2018-2019 All Stars    Alex Hoskins      Bowler of Year
Cameron Foster
Andy Kinney
Josh Link
Alfredo Lopez

2019-2020 All Stars    Alex Hoskins      Bowler of Year
Cameron Foster
Josh Link
Andy Kinney
Katelyn Simpson

2020-2021 All Stars   Alex Hoskins       Bowler of Year
Josh Link
Nick Borgaro
Andy KInney
Giorgio Clinaz

2021-2022 All Stars   Alex Hoskins       Bowler of Year
Giorgio Clinaz
Nick Borgaro
Clay Rees
Andy Kinney

​2022-2023 All Stars   Alex Hoskins       Bowler of Year
Giorgio Clinaz
Andy Kinney
Kendle Miles

Clay Rees

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